Friday, 24 April 2015

pisac, peru

We were told that we would love Pisac. That it was very relaxing and beautiful. We thought differently about the place.

It's easy to see that in it's up and coming days, Pisac had a lot to offer. A sleepy little town in which tourists could escape the bustling streets of Cusco. However at some point things got very touristy and very tacky. On top of that, there's really nothing to do.

Hospedaje Chaska was quite nice. The place had a really sweet grassed gazebo in the centre. It's a pity that the space was occupied for 24 hours straight while a bunch of dirty hippies completed their Ayauhusca ceremony. There was a lot of bell donging, bongo tapping, herb slapping, humming, singing and even blindfolding. For some reason this dude had a blind fold on during the whole thing while his mates touched his chest, hummed and slapped him with herbs. Whatever. They can do what they want and we are all up for people doing whatever it is that makes them happy. Just not in the only communal area for 24 hours straight. That's just fucking inconsiderate.

We actually revisited the Pisac market (it's only about 1 hour drive from Cusco) as it is meant to be best on a Sunday. Usually the market is just filled with touristy tacky things, but on Sundays the centre square is lined with Andean ladies from different regions selling their beautiful weavings and fresh produce, which we really enjoyed.

The market is definitely worth a visit on a Sunday, but for us, Pisac left much to be desired otherwise.

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